The Rules


  • o   Minimum of 2000 words, no max
  • o   Any rating
  • o   Collabs are welcome
  • o   Max 3 entries per author/ collab
  • o   Any pairing
  • No Rape as titillation
  • o   No Pedophilia
  • o   No Bestiality

This is an anonymous contest!

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT announce which story is yours until after the contest is over. If we find out that you’ve been spillin the frijoles on which fic belongs to who, we will kick you out of the contest.

Every entry must be beta’d.

Entries will be screened, so go to or and if you have any quickie questions, consult Emergency Beta Service and check them out on twitter, all three are fabulous.

On The Topic of Smut:

While there can be smut in there, we're looking for storyline so don't write smut for the sake of just sticking it in. If the storyline calls for it, then proceed as you will but otherwise, just leave it out.

Your one shot MUST have the following header:

I Felt Hope Contest
Penname : (for identification purposes for us only)
Title :
Rating :
Pairing :
Word Count :
Summary :

Entries will be posted at

Entries will be accepted from December 15th until Feb 15th.

Email us your entries at

Voting will occur Feb 16th through Feb 29th.

Winners will be announced March 1st.

Three catagories will be awarded:

  • o  Public Favorite award
  • o   Judges Favorite award
  • o   Overall Best Story

Each winner will receive a banner and a review on our blog and the overall winner will get a review from all the judges at the TwiWrite HQ blog.

Last but not least, this isn't mandatory but we'd love to see either 'For the first in a long time, I felt hope.' or some sort of variation on it!